brief history of paper

Cai Lun and his invention. China. Japan. very Far and Middle East. very ZEN is the paper ~~...


tu trwają prace ~~...

..why are we a travelling workshop? because everything we need we can take with us, aaand travel broadens the mind…  ° our workshop is based in Kielce | Poland. soon we will be opening a new...

various plant fibres

characteristics, taxonomy, overview...

all about PULP

..that’s a visit in the Center for Book and Paper Arts in Chicago. we were welcomed by: “always wear your rubber boots while papermaking” :) so sweet. it’s a wonderful place for every...

Alicja Ciach » mostly daydreamer :) Alik and Fifiolek’s mum, graduated Madam philosopher :)) photographer, backpacker, IT headhunter or a house hen yo. fan of autonomy and good rebellious DIY, a friend of small and those all grown up ~ but still children, their creative open-mindedness, mess and a surplus of questions. at one time. on daily basis (paper) experimenter, headless horseman, natural builder, publisher and a bookworm. slow-living-fast madMax-vege-mum.

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